Make More Money

Top 10 Books for Making More Money


“The best way to predict the future is to create it.” – Peter Drucker

Are you tired of slogging away at your projects and events, wondering if there’s a way to transform your efforts into cold, hard cash? Have you ever pondered the secrets to boosting income?

Let’s dive into the top 10 books that will guide you toward making more money and empower you to lead change and success within your organization.

1. “The Millionaire Next Door” by Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko

What if I told you that your habits and choices are the key to becoming a millionaire? This book shatters the illusion that extravagant spending equals wealth. It delves into the lives of real millionaires and uncovers the unassuming traits that set them apart. As a Project Manager, imagine applying these money-making habits to your approach, building your financial empire while overseeing those project portfolios.

2. “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion” by Robert B. Cialdini

Have you ever wondered why some people effortlessly close deals while others struggle? This book unveils the psychological triggers behind persuasion and how you can leverage them to your advantage. Imagine mastering the art of persuasion to secure project funding, motivate your team, and drive results that directly translate into increased income.

3. “Profit First” by Mike Michalowicz

Is your income getting buried under operational costs and project expenses? Michalowicz’s revolutionary system flips the traditional profit formula, ensuring you pay yourself first. For Project Managers, this means designing financial strategies that guarantee a fatter wallet while managing the complexities of your project portfolio.

4. “Thinking, Fast and Slow” by Daniel Kahneman

Can understanding human decision-making propel your career and income? Kahneman’s insights into our two thinking systems—the fast and intuitive and the slow and deliberate—reveal how to exploit cognitive biases. Apply these principles to project selection, risk management, and resource allocation to consistently choose profit-boosting paths.

5. “Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us” by Daniel H. Pink

What’s the core feeling that will motivate you to create a money-minting project portfolio? Pink argues that autonomy, mastery, and purpose drive human behavior. As you oversee numerous projects, empower your team with these motivators, aligning their efforts to enhance outcomes and, consequently, your financial success.

6. “Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done” by Larry Bossidy and Ram Charan

How can you turn project plans into tangible profit? This book emphasizes the importance of execution and teaches how to bridge the gap between strategy and results. Learn to implement change while keeping culture front and center, generating substantial financial gains through effective project management.

7. “The Lean Startup” by Eric Ries

What if there was a way to minimize waste and maximize profit? Ries introduces the concept of lean thinking, which encourages validated learning, quick iterations, and adaptable strategies. Apply lean principles to your project management, optimizing resources and driving efficient revenue generation.

8. “The Power of Habit” by Charles Duhigg

Do you ever feel stuck in unproductive routines that hinder your earning potential? Duhigg explores the science behind habits and provides strategies to break free from negative patterns. Implement these techniques to transform your project management habits, elevating your earning potential by fostering a culture of innovation.

9. “The Art of Possibility” by Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander

How can you revolutionize your perspective to create financial abundance? This book introduces the concept of “giving an A” and encourages embracing limitless possibilities. Imagine applying this mindset to your project portfolios, seeing challenges as opportunities to generate more value and revenue.

10. “Outliers: The Story of Success” by Malcolm Gladwell

What separates high earners from the rest? Gladwell examines the factors that contribute to extraordinary success. Uncover hidden opportunities in your projects, employ deliberate practice, and embrace the 10,000-hour rule to drive your income to new heights.

Incorporating these strategies into your management arsenal will undoubtedly lead to financial triumph. Remember, you’re not just managing projects; you’re sculpting your organization’s future, fostering a culture of innovation, and driving growth. As you embark on this transformative journey, let these books guide you toward prosperity, one book at a time.

Make More Money

Make More Money As a Teacher


Education careers are often emotionally fulfilling. Unfortunately, many teachers struggle to make ends meet, which requires them to look for ways to increase their annual income through various techniques. Some teachers begin a side hustle to earn a little extra cash while others return to school for an advanced degree. If you’re a teacher who needs to make more money, here are a few ways to do it. 

1. Start Tutoring 

Tutoring is a great way to use your current skills to earn more money. It offers you flexibility since you can choose to tutor based on age or subject. You can tutor students to prepare them for the SAT or ACT. You can even decide to tutor one-on-one or in groups. Tutoring automatically takes place during your free time, which is an added benefit. 

2. Teach Abroad 

If you like to travel, then teaching English abroad during the summer may be the perfect way to make more money. It will help you improve your teaching skills and give you a chance to learn about other cultures. There are short-term teaching opportunities, or you can teach English online to foreign students. 

3. Earn an Advanced Degree 

Teachers who have earned a bachelor’s degree in science are able to teach elementary school and high school students. According to Salary, a public-school teacher who has a bachelor’s degree can earn from around $57,000 to $62,000 a year. 

The median annual salary for teachers with a master’s degree increases to around $58,200 to $62,800. A master’s degree can also help you gain employment more easily since the higher degree tends to stand out among candidates.  

4. Sign Up for Additional Work at School 

Your school may offer opportunities for you to earn more money. For instance, you may be able to sign up to coach a sports team or the debate team. You might even be able to earn more by chaperoning a school event or by working as a drama instructor. 

5. Become an Administrator 

Teachers who are looking for a higher salary often switch over to the administrative side of education. You’ll be able to earn more as a school principal, vice principle or an operations manager. You’ll still have the opportunity to work with students, but you’ll make more money. 

If you’re considering this step, search for warm leads. You’ll have a better chance of moving into administration if you know someone on the inside who can recommend you for the job. 

Enjoy a More Comfortable Lifestyle 

Around the world, communities have recognized education as a major factor in improving the negative effects of social, personal and global traumas that impact people’s mental health. While most people recognize that teachers should earn more, funding may not be available. This means that teachers need to find other ways to supplement their income.  

Supplementing your teaching income will allow you to enjoy a more comfortable lifestyle. One of the great things about becoming a teacher is that your skills are useful in many other areas and fields. At the Productivity Intelligence Institute, I can help you come up with different ways to increase your annual income. Contact me for more information today. 

Make More Money

7 Top Ways To Make More Money Online In 2022


These days, it’s easier than ever to make money online. Many people were sent home to work during the pandemic while others came up with new business ideas involving online technology. If you’re searching for a way to earn a little more this year, here are the top seven ways to make more money online 2022. 

1. Become an Online Tutor 

If you’re comfortable teaching and have in-depth knowledge about a subject, then consider online tutoring. It is a great way to earn money online. You can set up a personal tutoring service or work for a company that offers it. 

2. Sell Stock Photos 

Creating and selling stock photography is the perfect way to make money online. This is especially true if you’ve invested in a decent camera and love taking pictures. Consider signing up with a stock photography site that lets you upload your photos for free. People who need photos for their magazines, websites or blogs may buy your pictures. 

3. Content Writing 

With an estimated 1.8 billion websites online, there are plenty of companies and entrepreneurs who need website content. The pay varies according to your skills, but the work flexibility is a major benefit. 

4. Sell Your Used Clothes Online 

Most people have clothes in their closet that they no longer wear. In 2022, you don’t have to haul your used clothes to a second-hand store. Instead, you can list them for sale online. 

Websites like eBay, Poshmark and ThredUp purchase used clothes from people online. You may also be able to sell your clothes through social media. 

5. Offer Online Consulting 

If you have expertise in a certain area, consider going into online consulting. For instance, if you have a degree in marketing, accounting or personal finance, offer to consult with people online to earn extra money. 

6. Become a Virtual Assistant 

Virtual assistants are needed now more than ever because more entrepreneurs are starting online businesses. If you decide to make more money online by being a virtual assistant, you should be able to mainly work from home. As a virtual assistant, you’ll schedule appointments, input data and manage social media. 

7. Work in Social Media 

Social media continues to be popular, and you can make money online by interacting with people on these sites. There are different companies and brands that are willing to pay you to increase their presence and popularity online. In this role, you’ll be uploading content with the intent of it going viral. Companies will pay you to be active on their social sites by operating contests, responding to customers and sharing posts. 

Helping You Earn More Income  

Working online 2022 comes with benefits like being able to make your own hours and no commute. You can also decide to work online as a way to earn secondary income. At the Productivity Intelligence Institute, I help motivated people develop new ways to earn more income. If you need guidance, contact me. I would love to help you. 

Make More Money

Who Makes More Money, Samsung or Apple?


What Can You Learn From Them

Most people know Apple and Samsung for their smartphones. Consumers wait expectantly for the next generation of iPhone or Galaxy. However, the two companies use different business strategies to make a profit, and both models can illustrate ways to make more money for entrepreneurs.

Samsung: Taking a Broad View

Even if you prefer the iPhone, you probably have several Samsung products in your home. The South Korean company has three sections in its electronics division: Consumer Electronics, Device Solutions, and Mobile Electronics. This arrangement means that televisions, air conditioners, and computer components all fall under the Samsung umbrella as well as smartphones.

Samsung also recognizes that the world smartphone market is changing. As 5G technology comes online, there will be a growing demand for low-end and mid-range products. The company already holds about 20% of the global phone market compared to 14% for Apple.

The Samsung model shows the benefits of diversification. The company has the flexibility to compete in a quickly changing industry. If one product rollout fails to meet expectations, Samsung can rely on established products for continued profitability.

The people who find the greatest success in life and those who achieve their dreams certainly have one thing in common. They know how to attract the resources they need to succeed.

Apple: Tapping the High-End Market

If asking which company makes more money, Apple is the current winner. The company is worth almost $3 trillion, making it the most valuable business globally. Although Samsung has a larger market share, Apple reliably receives a greater share of annual smartphone profits. 

Although Apple has tried to introduce new products, most of its revenue comes from iPhones, MacBooks, and the services that support them. Some economists argue that Apple is shifting from a technology manufacturing company to a technology services provider. They are farming out more steps of the building phase to focus on software and support. In some cases, iPhones contain components manufactured by the Device Solutions division of Samsung.

Apple has reached this level of success by bringing innovative value to consumers with each new product generation. Loyal Apple fans wait with anticipation to hear about the new features of the next iPhone. iPhones have gone from smartphones with a digital camera and mp3 player to multi-functional devices that play games, display media, and track user health. 

There is some question as to whether Apple can maintain this level of innovation. The last few generations of iPhones have focused on less dramatic features such as screen size. At the same time, competitors are incorporating versions of once-unique features into lower-end phones.

An entrepreneur might take some lessons from Apple about developing a reputation for excellence. Apple markets its phones as high-end devices, which increases the profit on each unit. People are willing to pay more for an iPhone because they can trust that the product will bring reliable value to their lives. As long as this reputation remains intact, it will be difficult for other companies to draw Apple users away from their iPhones.

Finding the Right Model for Your Business

Your business may not be at the same level as Samsung or Apple, but there are lessons you can take from both companies. At the Productivity Intelligence Institute, I strive to help entrepreneurs discover ways to make more money that build on their strengths and work with their business culture. If you are ready to develop your entrepreneurial skills, I would be thrilled to work with you.

Make More Money

5 Ways To Make More Money Today


Evaluating Five Ways to Make More Money Today – How You Can Earn More Money and Increase Productivity

If you want to make more money, you need to implement multiple strategies that will improve your productivity, maximize your profits, increase attentiveness and reduce your expenses. You may also utilize affiliate marketing, offer consulting services, and sell numerous types of products. Moreover, you should create a social media profile, and after you customize the profile, you may promote many products, accept paid sponsorships, offer promotional codes, and improve the reputation of your business.

Utilizing Affiliate Marketing

Once you join an affiliate network, you can evaluate advertisers that offer cutting-edge products, local services, many types of links, and numerous incentives. Some advertisers will also provide custom advertisements, and you may utilize advertisements that feature detailed pictures, promotional videos, and a call to action. These advertisements could quickly increase sales, generate many leads, and improve the effectiveness of your marketing campaign

The affiliate network will provide custom links, and after a visitor clicks the link, the system can automatically place a cookie into the browser. The cookie contains software that may track the customer, evaluate the interests of the client and store important data. When the customer purchases relevant products, the software can evaluate the custom link, and the affiliate marketer will receive a substantial commission.

After the marketer generates many leads, the business may increase the commissions by more than 50 percent. Sometimes, the company could also provide a monthly bonus.

Managing Social Media Profiles

Typically, you should create a social media profile that features several advertisements, which will promote your business. The social media page may contain many testimonials, relevant links, and promotional videos, and you could post pictures that show multiple types of products.

The social media profile can increase sales, improve the reputation of your business and generate many leads. Once the guests view the social media profile, the visitors may share links that are related to your business, and consequently, the new links could consistently increase your website’s traffic.

If you manage a popular profile, many companies can provide paid sponsorships, and you could post numerous advertisements that will describe multiple products, local services, or well-known businesses. Before the companies offer paid sponsorships, the businesses may inspect the social media page, estimate the number of followers, evaluate the comments and examine the interests of the visitors. Subsequently, the companies could determine the value of each sponsorship, and the businesses may offer sponsorships that are worth more than $5,000.

Offering Consulting Services and Helping Numerous Businesses

Many companies frequently hire experienced consultants who can provide valuable information. The consultants could evaluate how to make more money, and the experts may describe strategies that could improve brand awareness, decrease several types of expenses and increase the effectiveness of each marketing campaign. The consultants can also evaluate the needs of customers, and the specialists could describe products that may interest the clients.

The consultants will estimate the values of many products, and the experts can study numerous trends that could affect the clients, local businesses, the prices of the products, and the overall supply of the products. The consultants may also evaluate economic news, competing companies, the opinions of customers, and innovative products.

Sometimes, a business will pay consultants more than $100 per hour. If the experts provide useful information, the company may frequently request new consultations, or the business can provide a detailed contract, a monthly salary, and numerous types of incentives.

Selling Multiple Types of Products

Many businesses have created innovative websites that sell custom products, cutting-edge services, and monthly subscriptions. Once you create an online store, you could design landing pages that will promote the products, and each landing page may contain excellent reviews, a detailed video, several pictures, and a call to action.

The website can feature tools that will allow the clients to customize each order. The customers could quickly purchase multiple products, evaluate numerous types of shipping, view the online cart, and choose a payment method. Additionally, the clients can check the status of each order, and after the company ships the package, the business should provide an email that contains a tracking number.

Increasing Productivity and Utilizing Neuroscience

While you manage a business, you should create a positive workplace, provide substantial incentives and recognize the accomplishments of many employees. Typically, a positive workplace can improve productivity, reduce chronic stress, stimulate creativity and promote teamwork. A positive environment could also increase the loyalty of employees, and an excellent workplace may substantially improve the reputation of the business.

According to multiple neuroscientists, most companies should offer rewards that can motivate employees. If a business provides substantial incentives, the employees could increase focus, promote teamwork, improve innovation and create new solutions. The experts described how to make extra money, and the researchers indicated that the incentives can consistently stimulate the production of dopamine within the brain. Dopamine is a natural compound that could stimulate neurogenesis, and the neurotransmitter may enhance well-being, reduce chronic stress, improve motivation and increase energy.

Generally, you should provide clear-cut goals, and you can evaluate daily tasks, the duration of each project, the costs of the project, and various types of rewards. Once a company creates multiple goals, the business could increase productivity by more than 20 percent. After a business evaluates how to make more money, the company may also help the employees to create efficient teams, and the teams could complete important tasks, evaluate numerous types of obstacles, increase motivation and achieve many goals.

Evaluating Our Services and Requesting a Free Consultation

Our business provides consulting services that can help large corporations, project managers, online entrepreneurs, and local companies. Once you visit our website, you may examine how to make extra money, and you could evaluate many strategies that could consistently maximize productivity, increase motivation, improve the cohesiveness of a team and reduce downtime. If you would like to request a consultation, you can submit our contact form, and an experienced consultant could answer your questions, evaluate your needs and schedule an appointment.

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How to Make Extra Money


In today’s gig economy, there are several ways to increase your income with a side hustle. Depending on your education and skills, you might even be able to earn a good amount of money quickly. Here’s how to make extra money on the side.

Put Your Creative Talents to Work

How to make extra money? Look at your talents. Everyone has a creative talent. If you’re not using yours, you need to connect with someone who could use your creativity. Consider signing up with a freelance site. Many online job sites allow those who specialize in creative endeavors, such as graphic design, editing, writing, and voice-over work, to share them with people who need them

Be a Virtual Assistant

If organizing is something that you do well, then you would probably be an excellent virtual assistant. This is a work-from-home job, so you can save time and money by not having to commute. Many business owners need someone who can complete a variety of tasks. Plus, you might appreciate the diversity in your workdays.

Become a Lyft or an Uber Driver

One of the most common ways to increase your income is to start driving for Lyft or Uber. These days, the sharing economy is more significant than ever, and these ride-sharing companies have been at the forefront of creating it. The great thing about driving for Lyft or Uber is that you can set your hours and work as much or as little as you want or need.

Become an Online Tutor

Regardless of your location, you can tutor over Skype or on another platform. This is perfect for people who prefer to work from home. You can teach English to people in other countries or share your great math or science skills with anyone who needs help in these subjects.

Natural Brilliance: How is it that some people easily overcome challenges while you might struggle?

Ask for a Job Advancement or a Raise

Don’t wait for your boss to decide to increase your salary. They will likely wait as long as possible to pay you more. If you don’t ask, you may never see a rise in your paycheck. If it’s been a while since your last merit increase, make a list of your work achievements. Also, research what other people in your field are making. Then, ask for a specific raise. Request an amount on the high end of what people in your job usually make to give yourself some room to negotiate.

The worst-case scenario is that they’ll say no. If they refuse you, ask what you need to do to earn more. Be open to a promotion. You’ll need to take on more responsibilities and tasks, but it will likely be worth it to get an income boost.

Work Overtime

If you are paid hourly, then see if you can work overtime to earn extra money. Companies pay workers time-and-a-half for overtime hours worked. If you can work overtime over a holiday, then you may qualify for double-time-and-a-half. This will help you earn money even faster.

If overtime isn’t available for your current job, ask your employer if they offer another way to earn a bit more. Ask about overload pay. Some companies pay their employees for extra work completed outside of their regular full-time job. You may not be able to earn as much as overtime would pay, but it could give you that financial boost you need.

Plan a Yard Sale

One of the best ways is to plan a yard sale. You’ll get rid of the things you no longer need or use and have a little more cash to put in the bank. Yard sales are perfect if your kids have outgrown a lot of their clothes, shoes, and toys or if you’ve just accumulated more stuff than your house can hold. Be sure to advertise in the local newspaper or by placing a few signs around your neighborhood.

Figure Out Your Relationship to Money

To save and earn money more effectively, learn how your brain manages money. Do this by tracking your spending. Write down as many details about your money decisions as you can. For instance, track how you were feeling before and after spending, who you were with when you spent money, and when you spent money. After a week or two, you can start to see your spending patterns.

Why It’s a Good Idea to Get a Side Gig

Getting a side gig can help you with income security. When COVID-19 arrived in the United States, many people found themselves without an income. A side gig can prevent that from happening to you. Having more than one work egg in your basket can keep money coming into your checking account.

Start looking online. The internet has changed the way that many people work these days. An estimated 55 million people, more than 35% of the country’s labor force, are freelance workers or contracted individuals. Those who freelance or are contractors often choose this type of work for its flexibility. Not only do they like that they can work whatever hours they choose, but they can also decide not to work for people they don’t get along with.

How to Make Extra Money

Look to your talents and tap into them to increase your annual income. Hustling a bit more for some extra cash is helpful too. If you need guidance on achieving more without the pressure, contact us at the Leonard Productivity Intelligence Institute.

We dug deep into Jack Canfield’s $1 billion mind to find the secret to his Effortless Success

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How to Set Financial Goals You Can Achieve


Paying off debt is a major challenge. If unexpected expenses pop up every time you get close to getting out of debt, then it’s time to change tactics. This article will tell you all about how to set financial goals you can achieve.

Start With a Financial Plan

Without a plan, it’s challenging to achieve anything. Motivational speaker and author Zig Ziglar said, “If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time.” The same is true in the matter of personal finance goals.

It would be best if you first narrowed down your fiscal goals. What do you want to do with your money? Keep in mind that a basic budget is a financial goal for the month while planning to put money away for retirement is one for the future. Setting goals allows you to focus on what you want financially. It also holds you accountable.

Popular monetary goals include:

• Saving for emergencies
• Eliminating debt
• Saving to retire
• Investing in your own business
• Putting money away for a vacation
• Saving up to buy a home

When you have a goal, you’ll be motivated to avoid unnecessary spending to reach it. Give yourself permission to enjoy watching your money grow. It can be just as fulfilling as spending it.

It’s important to review your relationship with money and your current financial habits along with setting goals. Research shows that a person’s neural paths search for information and patterns connected to the physical world. When they match up, humans feel more comfortable. Your internal mental state cannot let you change how you manage money unless you shift your feelings about it.

Change How You View Money

Setting a financial goal will help you change your attitude about money. It will help you see how the decisions that you make about money affect your general financial health. For instance, without a financial goal, you might be inclined to purchase an expensive coffee daily instead of brewing your own at home.

Consider that a specialty latte is easy $5 to $6. If you buy one every day and include a tip, you’ll be spending $30 to $35 a week for your favorite beverage, which is $120 to $140 a month. If you were to put that money into an investment account that pays compound interest, you could save several thousand dollars.

What Is the Best Way to Plan Financial Goals?

Step 1. Write down your goals.

When you see your goals written down, they become something tangible. You’ll be more likely to take your goals seriously and focus on making them a reality.

Step 2. Set specific financial goals.

Instead of making a vague goal to save more, choose one that’s specific. For instance, you might consider setting a plan to pay off your car in two years or save $10,000 toward an emergency fund.

Step 3. Decide how you’ll reach your goal.

If your goal is to save $10,000 for an emergency fund, then you’ll need to save $833 a month to reach it, or around $192 a week. Splitting your money goals up into manageable portions can help maintain your motivation. Keep your excitement levels high by setting smaller mini-goals that you can check off as you reach them.

Step 4. Choose a target date.

Make your goals time-sensitive. To stay inspired, plan a target date to reach each money-based goal. You can modify it later if you need to.

Step 5. Personalize your money-based goals.

It’s easy to make fiscal goals based on what others think you should be doing or what they’re doing, but it’s crucial to personalize them to what you’re striving for. That way, you’ll be reaching goals that mean something to you.

Make Saving a Habit

Often, people don’t save money toward a financial goal because they never feel they have enough to do so. When you embrace a culture of saving, you make putting money aside for something important an automatic action.

Instead of waiting for the right moment to start saving, begin right now regardless of your current income level. Make it a habit to keep a percentage of each paycheck. As time passes and finances become less tight, increase the percentage. A suitable method is to give your savings a percentage raise each year.

How to Reach Your Financial Goals

Achieve financial success by creating a plan, writing down what goals you want to achieve, and making saving money a habit. A few simple steps and changes will have you on your way to a bright financial future.

If you need more information on setting personal finance goals, I would love to help. Contact the Leonard Productivity Intelligence Institute today.

Make More Money

Can Your Network Increase Your Net Worth?


Most business people and entrepreneurs use their skills and hard work to increase their net worth. However, many of these same people have something else they can lean on to keep their net worth moving in an upward trajectory. It’s called the effective use of a personal network.

Do you have a personal network? If not, why not? If you do have one, are you using your network to increase your net worth effectively? The fact is your network is there to help you. It’s the best way to build social capital. You can use it for purely social interactions, but you risk bypassing a great way to improve your financial stability and the quality of your life by doing so.

Have you ever heard the saying, “Your network is your net worth?” Well, it’s a saying that seems worthy of your consideration. If you aren’t already using your network as a tool of success, you might want to change your mindset regarding how you grow your net worth. Shifting your perspective will take time and effort, but it’s something that could lead you into the kind of wealth that goes beyond your imagination.

Here are seven suggestions on how to use your network to increase your net worth.

1. Don’t Underestimate the Size of Your Network

After investing time to build your network, you should be willing to assess where your network stands occasionally. You have to remember that your network will often extend beyond the people you would consider your direct contacts. It might also include people who are contacts of contacts. Don’t underestimate your network’s size and make sure to reach out to as many resources as possible.

2. Prepare for Networking Events

As a business professional or entrepreneur, you should make attending networking events a regular part of your workday experiences. When you go, get in the habit of going with a purpose. That should include knowing what you want to put on the table in discussions and who you would like to meet.

3. Follow Up With Contacts

While attending networking events, please take special note of the people you encounter and what you discussed with them. Get contact information if possible. You can also take notes on your mobile device if necessary.

After putting forth the effort to take special notes and get contact information, it’s incumbent upon you to follow up with your contacts. This would allow you to set up subsequent meetings, which could reinforce your relationship’s strength for the future.

4. Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

Many people tend to only attend networking events under circumstances in which they feel comfortable. The truth is the people who might be able to influence your net worth the most could come from any walk of life. That means some of your best chances to meet influencers may come from events that sit outside your comfort zone.

5. Show Up to Networking Events Early

If the number of networking events in your area is limited, you need to make sure you get what you need from the ones you can attend. To do that, make it a point to arrive early. There is a tendency for very busy and successful people to show up early, make their contacts, and head out before the event is over. You have to meet and greet these people when they are available.

Also, you should make an effort to stay throughout the whole event if possible. The best chances you will have to meet influencers is during the earliest and latest part of the event when the crowd is thinner.

6. Focus on the People Who Can Meet Your Needs

With limited time, you need to focus on interacting with people who can genuinely help you. If it’s a promotion you seek, reach out to people who can play a part in getting you that promotion. If you are looking for investors, focus on meeting with people who have money to invest and are currently seeking investment opportunities.

7. Develop an Online Brand

Given the strength of today’s technology, you can’t afford to miss the opportunity to build your online brand. It makes it easier for people to find and reach out to you. According to Porter Gale, author of “Your Network Is Your Net Worth: Unlock the Hidden Power of Connections for Wealth, Success, and Happiness in the Digital Age,” “Having a defined online brand or profile also makes connecting more likely, as credibility checks are just a click away.”

As a business professional, you need to keep yourself informed on the latest business and wealth-building trends worldwide. You will have stiff competition, and to come out on top, you must be prepared.

For more ideas on leveraging your network, making more money, and becoming a leader in your industry, reach out to the Leonard Productivity Institute.

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Do You Have a Growth Mindset for Making Money?


Do You Have a Growth Mindset for Making Money?

When it comes to achieving your passive income goals, are you stuck in neutral? Perhaps you know what you need to do, but you’re having a hard time getting started. In that case, you need the power of a “make money mindset” to get things fired up. Here’s how to change your mindset and potentially change your life.

What Can a Positive Money Mindset Do for You?

You might wonder why you need the right mindset to start focusing on your financial goals. We all want to make money, don’t we? We also want to achieve financial security and turn our dreams into reality. So, wouldn’t that mindset just come naturally?

How the Wrong Mindset Can Hurt You

Unfortunately, too many people have what’s called a poverty mindset.

What does this mean? It’s a mindset that defeats you before you can even get started on your drive toward financial freedom. It’s the exact opposite of a growth mindset.

As Katharine Hurst writes on the Law of Attraction blog: “By definition, poverty mindsets are ones in which the person self-sabotages, accidentally undermining their quest for abundance by adopting a negative stance towards wealth. This makes it impossible for you to vibrate on the high frequency required to attract abundance.”

How to Change Your Mindset

Before you write this off as fancy-sounding nonsense, you should know that neuroscientists have mapped visible changes in people’s brains that reflect how they think and feel about money.

Jason Zweig of CNNMoney reported on some of these studies and even let researchers study his brain when it came to money matters. As he notes:

“Your brain developed to improve our species’ odds of survival. Like every other human, you are wired to crave what looks rewarding and shun what seems risky. Your brain has only a thin veneer of modern, analytical circuits that are often no match for the power of the ancient parts of your mind; to counteract these impulses. And when you win, lose or risk money, you stir up some profound emotions, including hope, surprise, regret, greed, and fear.”

Fear Clouds Your Thinking

Other studies have found that a lack of money can negatively affect your ability to reason. In one of these studies, people who were hurting for cash exhibited a 10-point drop in their cognitive ability.

In other words, when you’re dealing with money, you often allow fear to override your ability to reason and think calmly. Your brain goes into panic mode, and it’s impossible to get past the fear to start moving in a positive direction.

When this happens too often, you develop a poverty mindset. Fortunately, you can change it into a positive money growth mindset with just a little work.

Tips for Changing Your Mindset

How do you overcome your negative self-talk? Here are some steps I recommend.

1. Understand what’s happening: Just recognizing what you’re doing to yourself is the first step to stopping the negativity. Pay attention to the signs that you’re starting to slow your roll.

2. Get your mind right with some help: Several books can help you develop a clear, uncluttered, and unafraid mindset. Check out this list of the top 10 books for a better money mindset.

It starts with Carol Dweck’s “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success.” The list also includes classics like Napoleon Hill’s “Think and Grow Rich” and newcomers like Daymond John’s “The Power of Broke: How Empty Pockets, a Tight Budget, and a Hunger for Success Can Become Your Greatest Competitive Advantage.”

3. Write out your goals and aspirations every day with a pen and paper. The process of writing out your goals and aspirations every day will transform your mindset at the neurological level. Plus, it is a great way to meditate, visualize, and develop a growth mindset.

4. Take action: Action is the antidote to being stuck. Taking one small step or acting for just a few minutes will help dispel your fears and guide you back on the path to a positive, productive mindset.

Fear is often one of the biggest obstacles to success. Are you worried that you’ll make mistakes? Everyone slips up, and you will, too. The important thing is to learn from your errors. Are you afraid of trying something new? That’s only natural, but it’s the only way to grow and learn. You’ll get past those fears by taking action. Little by little, those small actions can add up to something unique.

Are You Ready to Develop a Millionaire Mentality? I Can Help

If you’re struggling with a mindset that holds you back, contact me at the Leonard Productivity Intelligence Institute. I can help you take practical, actionable steps starting right now to transform your thinking, your business, and your life.

Make More Money

How to Make Money From Home?


How to Make Money From Home

Millions of Americans are looking for new ways to replace income after losing work due to the pandemic. Even before the health crisis hit, anxiety and stress over money matters were already stretched. Since 38% of working Americans had less than $1,000 set aside to deal with emergency expenses, few were prepared for an extended economic downturn, according to the PwC 2020 Employee Financial Wellness Survey.

A New York Times/Gallup survey found that people most often have side hustles to pursue a passion, but one-third are driven by financial need. When searching for advice on making money from home, you’ll come across many listicles offering tips on raising quick cash. Unfortunately, most suggestions are short-lived or bring in pennies. It’s tough to find real ways to make money if you’re serious about becoming a solopreneur. With determination and a willingness to up your skillset, these nine ventures offer a more straightforward entry point into self-employment.

1. Making Goods

The market may be flooded with sellers, but buyers are still spending on unique, quality-crafted gifts, home décor, and clothing. You can sell everything from artwork and crafts to baked goods and toys on popular social marketplaces, including Facebook, Etsy, Zazzle, CafePress, and Shopify, as well as numerous online and in-store boutiques.

2. Freelancing

Independent contractors have traditionally served in the creative fields, offering writing, designing, and marketing services. However, accountants, project managers, data entry specialists, legal professionals, and recruiters are all hot fields for freelancers.

3. Reselling

There is a thriving market for affordable secondhand goods, rustic décor, antique treasures, and collectible memorabilia. Easily advertise furniture, appliances, toys, electronics, clothing, and more with online selling platforms, including Facebook Marketplace, eBay, OfferUp, and Poshmark. You can sell your items, source goods from yard sales, or charge a commission to organize estate sales for others.

4. Repair Business

Clients are always seeking local, trustworthy people who are handy with making home repairs or fixing motors, appliances, computer equipment, furniture, clothing, yard tools, or bicycles.

5. Multilevel Marketing

MLM partners launch their businesses by selling another company’s products. While MLMs have gained a negative reputation for having a “pyramid” structure, many people have made more money on the side from these partnerships.

6. Virtual Assistant

Other entrepreneurs, companies shifting to remote workforces, and busy executives hire virtual assistants on gig sites, such as Upwork, Indeed, and Remote. Individuals in this role can provide customer support, organize work processes, oversee technology, or manage calendar and travel arrangements.

7. Remote Education

Online tutoring, skill development webinars, crafting tutorials, and remote courses are a booming business. The e-learning market generated more than $200 billion in 2019, as reported by Global Market Insights. If you have the knowledge to share, you’ll find people are seeking to learn everything from how to play musical instruments to gardening like a pro to expertly speaking a new language. You can work for an online company, take on private clients from your community, or develop your tutorials on Udemy, Coursera, or Teachable. Other educators will even pay you for your ideas on websites like Teachers Pay Teachers.

8. Personal Trainer

Closed gyms and the desire for individual attention are driving up the demand for personal trainers. Focus on helping others create fitness goals, design healthy meal plans, and develop workout routines. You can also post tutorial videos or lead live exercise sessions virtually.

9. Consultant

Put your hard-earned experience to work by advising businesses on the best strategies to achieve their goals. Backed by an impressive portfolio of client successes, you will find more robust opportunities in the financial, communications, computer technology, human resources, and professional development fields.

Think Like a Business Owner, Not an Employee

Whichever entrepreneurial path you decide to journey down, your success in making money while working from home will ultimately depend on your mindset, hustle, and grit. As you plan your business, also consider these essential questions:

• How hard are you willing to work for your business, and can you rebound from inevitable setbacks? Laser focus is vital to success, but long hours, little self-care, and lost connections with loved ones will quickly lead to burnout. Set boundaries, stick to routines to prime your brain for success, and take action each day to get one step closer to your goal.

• Can you push through the anxieties you’ll encounter when making big decisions, learning new skills, or generating new clients through networking and marketing? Our brains are wired to flee at any sign of discomfort, and uncertainty clouds our judgments, often resulting in impulsive decisions or inaction. A 2017 neuroscience study by ThinkAlike Laboratories found that building a framework and support system makes people feel calmer and more confident in their choices.

• Are you willing to continue learning new skills and grow from failures? In the beginning, you’ll worry about getting everything right. Just choose a method, remembering that simpler is often better. Besides, no matter which route you go, you’ll refine that system as you learn and your business grows.

Earning money from home and making more money on the side doesn’t have to be seemingly unattainable fantasies or sources of stress. With the right plan and support system in place and the right mindset, you can make real money and even enjoy the process. Start your journey by answering the questions above and considering how you’d like to earn your income. If you could use some further assistance accomplishing more without added stress, reach out to the Leonard Productivity Intelligence Institute at