Increase Productivity

Mastering Time Management and Organizational Skills for 2023


As I sit here pondering how to make the rest of 2023 the most productive and organized year yet, I can’t help but wonder: Are you ready to take control of your time like never before? Are you eager to unlock the secret to staying on top of your game? In this article, we’ll delve into powerful strategies and tactics that will revolutionize how you manage your time and stay organized. Let’s dive in!

Imagine this:

You’re faced with a daunting to-do list, and the hours slip away like sand through your fingers. But fret not! By adopting a few time-tested methods, you can transform your approach to time management and soar to new heights of efficiency.

One of the most impactful ways to reclaim control of your day is through prioritization. Picture your tasks as an array of colorful marbles, each representing a different priority. By focusing on the most significant, shiniest marble first, you’ll ensure that you tackle the most critical task head-on, setting the tone for a successful day. And remember, it’s not about being perfect but making steady progress.

Now, let’s talk about the magic of setting deadlines. Do you ever work aimlessly, without a finish line in sight? Trust me; I’ve been there too! But here’s the thing: Setting deadlines creates a sense of urgency that propels us forward, even when distractions abound. So, for every task you undertake, ask yourself, “When do I want to complete this?”

However, time management is only half the battle. Organizational skills are pivotal in keeping your life and work in sync. Imagine your day as a symphony, with different instruments playing in harmony. Organizational skills are the conductor that orchestrates this symphony to perfection.

A powerful tool in the organizational arsenal is the good old to-do list. But hold on, not just any to-do list. This one is smarter, shorter, and sweeter. It’s your trusted companion that keeps you on track without overwhelming you. Keeping your to-do list concise and focused on the most impactful tasks, you’ll avoid that dreadful feeling of never-ending work.

Another crucial aspect of the organization is decluttering. Think of your physical space as a reflection of your mind. A cluttered desk can lead to a cluttered mind, making it hard to focus and prioritize effectively. Take some time to clear out unnecessary items, and you’ll find yourself thinking clearer and working smarter.

I know what you’re thinking:

“This all sounds great, but how can I make these strategies stick?”. Well, my friend, the key lies in consistent practice and accountability. Set aside a few minutes daily to review your goals, deadlines, and progress. Celebrate your victories and reflect on areas that need improvement. Creating this habit loop will keep you motivated and committed to mastery.

Remember that even the best-laid plans can hit roadblocks as you embark on this transformative journey. Life is unpredictable, and you’ll encounter challenges along the way. The actual test of your time management and organizational skills lies in how you adapt and recover.

So, imagine it’s a typical Monday morning, and your well-crafted plan gets derailed by an emergency. Instead of feeling defeated, ask yourself, “How can I rearrange my priorities to accommodate this new challenge?”. Shifting gears and maintaining a growth mindset will make you stronger and more resilient.

As we gear up for finishing 2023 strong, we must be kind to ourselves and acknowledge that perfection isn’t the goal. It’s about progress, not perfection. So, whenever you are veering off track or overwhelmed, take a deep breath, remind yourself of your purpose, and get back on the saddle with renewed determination.


Mastering time management and organizational skills aren’t about adhering to rigid rules but finding a system that aligns with your unique style and personality. Experiment, make adjustments, and most importantly, enjoy the process!

As readers of the esteemed Productivity Intelligence Institute Magazine, you are undoubtedly accomplished individuals with a thirst for growth and knowledge. Incorporating these strategies into your daily life unleashes your full potential and sets an example for others.

As we venture into the rest of 2023, let’s make a pact to prioritize our time wisely, embrace the beauty of organization, and conquer each day with zeal. Together, we’ll shape a year filled with achievements and triumphs, creating a ripple effect that touches every aspect of our lives.

Now, are you ready to take the leap and transform your life? The power lies within you, and 2023 is waiting for you to make it your best year yet. Let’s dive into this adventure together, one step at a time, and make this the year of incredible growth and success!

Increase Productivity

Top 10 Books for Increasing Productivity


Who amongst us has not yearned for more hours in a day? As a professional, you juggle dozens of tasks, meet tight deadlines, and implement organizational change. Likewise, suppose you’re a corporate professional managing various projects. In that case, you know the challenges of staying productive while keeping the essence of project results at the forefront.

An experiment conducted by the Draugiem Group used a computer application to track employees’ work habits. They found that the most productive individuals worked for 52 minutes and then took a 17-minute break (Draugiem Group, 2014)

Productivity is a universal challenge.

We all grapple with it – the need to accomplish more in less time, to juggle multiple tasks and priorities, and to maintain balance in our professional and personal lives. The problem isn’t just that there’s too much to do and too little time. Distractions abound, stress levels can soar, and our productivity can plummet without effective strategies and tools.

But what if I told you there’s a way out of this? An approach that doesn’t just involve working harder, but wiser?

Productivity isn’t just about keeping busy. It’s about effective management of time, energy, and resources. It’s about prioritizing what’s essential and eliminating what’s not. It’s about achieving your goals without burning yourself out. And yes, it’s achievable!

The key lies in continuous learning and growth. And one decisive way to achieve this? Books! Yes, that’s right. Books are written by experts who’ve mastered the art of productivity. These books don’t just teach you theories; they equip you with practical strategies you can immediately apply daily. They provide tools to better manage your time, eliminate distractions, reduce stress, and ultimately increase productivity.

Let me tell you, you’re not alone in this! I’ve been there, and I understand the struggle. But the good news? I found a solution. Books! Yes, you read it right. It wasn’t another time management tool or a new method I found online, but good old-fashioned books. And I will share with you the top 10 books that tremendously increased my productivity.

Shall we dive in?

1. “Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity” by David Allen

Ever felt overwhelmed by your to-do list? Allen’s approach aims to tackle that feeling head-on. His technique allows us to externalize our tasks, freeing our minds from the constant strain of remembering. Allen’s book is a must-read for any project manager or professional, backed up by real-world examples of his method in action.

2. “Eat That Frog!” by Brian Tracy

The central idea is simple: start your day by doing the most challenging task, aka eating the ugliest frog. Tracy shows you how to organize daily effectively, enabling you to zero in on critical studies and accomplish them efficiently. And guess what? Thousands of professionals across the globe vouch for Tracy’s ‘frog-eating’ strategy!

3. “Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World” by Cal Newport

How often do you feel distracted at work? Newport’s book delves deep into the concept of ‘deep work’—the ability to focus without distraction on a cognitively demanding task. He provides various strategies and numerous examples to stay focused and increase productivity. He backs his claims with robust scientific evidence too. Isn’t that incredible?

4. “The 4-Hour Workweek” by Timothy Ferriss

What if I told you, you could achieve more in less time? Ferriss’s book gives us a new perspective on work-life balance and offers radical but practical advice to reduce work hours while increasing productivity. Ferriss himself applied these techniques and significantly reduced his work hours. Now, wouldn’t you want to try that?

5. “Smarter Faster Better: The Transformative Power of Real Productivity” by Charles Duhigg

Imagine understanding the science of productivity. Duhigg’s book explores eight key productivity concepts, including motivation, goal setting, and decision-making, explaining the science behind them. By dissecting real-life cases from various fields, he makes productivity accessible and applicable.

6. “The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business” by Charles Duhigg

Again from Duhigg, this book focuses on how habits work. He argues that understanding and manipulating our practices can significantly increase our productivity. He brings in scientific evidence and numerous real-world examples to support his case. Intriguing.

7. “Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less” by Greg McKeown

Ever felt spread too thin? McKeown’s book teaches us how to achieve more by doing less. Essentialism is about focusing on what’s truly important and eliminating everything else. Many business leaders and entrepreneurs have found his philosophy incredibly beneficial. Can you imagine the power of ‘less is more’?

8. “The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right” by Atul Gawande

Gawande’s book extols the humble checklist as a critical tool to avoid errors and increase efficiency. He illustrates his points with examples from fields like aviation and medicine. As a project manager, can you envision the difference a well-structured checklist might make?

9. “The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results” by Gary Keller

Gary Keller’s book drills home one principle: focus on the task that makes everything else easier or unnecessary. Many successful entrepreneurs and professionals have endorsed the power of focusing on one thing. How about giving this ‘one thing’ theory a shot?

10. “Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones” by James Clear

Clear’s book is about the compound effect of tiny habits. He presents practical strategies to form good habits, break bad ones, and master the small behaviors that lead to remarkable results. Evidence-based and deeply practical, Atomic Habits is a game-changer in understanding how habits work. Ready to experience the power of tiny changes?

A study from Stanford University found that productivity per hour declines sharply when a person works more than 50 hours a week. After 55 hours, productivity drops so much that putting in more hours would be pointless (Stanford University, 2014).

So, have you picked your next read yet?

You see, continuous learning and development is the key to achieving increased productivity. And books provide us with a fantastic opportunity for this. They offer invaluable insights from experts who have been there, done that, and found a way to do it better.

Remember, it’s not about working more hours but making the hours work for you. It’s about innovative work, not just hard work. So, which book are you picking up first to boost your productivity game?

There’s an exciting thing about reading productivity books. As you read, your brain starts connecting the dots, enabling you to implement the strategies in your life. This isn’t magic; Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) is at play. It’s your brain engaging, associating, and learning, ensuring you’re not just reading the words but absorbing the lessons.

Are you ready to dive into a world of wisdom and turn the page toward increased productivity? These books promise to bring you one step closer to mastering the art of productivity. With each offering unique strategies backed by real-life examples and scientific evidence, you will find the methods that resonate with you.

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s get reading and boost our productivity!

Increase Productivity

Productivity Secrets of Guy Kawasaki


As a corporate professional, you know the importance of productivity, achieving goals, and keeping culture change front and center as you implement change within your organization. It can be challenging to balance all of these priorities, but one person who has managed to do so with great success is Guy Kawasaki. He is often cited as among the tech industry’s most productive and influential people. His career has been marked by numerous accomplishments and a willingness to try new approaches to improve productivity and effectiveness.

Who is Guy Kawasaki?

Guy Kawasaki was born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii, in a middle-class family. His parents were educators, and he was the third of five children. Growing up, Guy was interested in technology and eventually earned a degree in psychology from Stanford University. After college, he worked for a jewelry company and later started his own software company, which Apple Inc eventually acquired.

One of the challenges that Guy Kawasaki faced early on in his career was overcoming self-doubt and imposter syndrome. Despite his accomplishments, he often felt he didn’t belong in the tech industry and struggled with confidence issues. However, Guy overcame these limiting beliefs by focusing on his strengths and developing a growth mindset. He realized that he didn’t have to be an expert in everything and that asking for help was okay.

His Transformation Moment

Guy Kawasaki’s transformation came when he joined Apple in the 1980s as one of the original members of the Macintosh team. Here, he learned the importance of simplicity, design, and user experience. He also became known for evangelizing Apple’s products, which involved convincing others of their benefits. This experience taught him the value of storytelling and how to effectively communicate the help of a product or service to others.

What is Guy Kawasaki’s Superpower?

One of Guy Kawasaki’s productivity superpowers is his ability to focus on the most important tasks and delegate the rest. He has said that he only focuses on tasks he can do better than anyone else on his team and delegates everything to his colleagues. This allows him to free up his time and energy to focus on achieving his goals and making a meaningful impact.

Regarding productivity secrets, Guy Kawasaki has several vital strategies he swears by. First, he always tries to be early for meetings and appointments. This shows respect for other people’s time and allows him to prepare and get the right mindset for the meeting. Second, he uses the “two-minute rule” to quickly tackle small tasks and avoid procrastination. If a job can be done in two minutes or less, he does it immediately rather than putting it off. Finally, he sets specific goals for himself and tracks his progress regularly. This lets him stay focused and motivated, even when things get tough.

Guy Kawasaki’s Memoir Summarized

Wise Guy: Lessons from a Life is a memoir by Guy Kawasaki, detailing Guy’s personal and professional journey from humble beginnings in Hawaii to becoming a prominent figure in the tech industry. The book is divided into four parts, highlighting different aspects of his life and career.

Part One focuses on Kawasaki’s early life and family background. He describes his upbringing in Hawaii, his parents’ emphasis on education, and the cultural and social environment that shaped his values and beliefs. Kawasaki also shares anecdotes that offer insight into his character and sense of humor.

Part Two details Kawasaki’s career at Apple, where he served as one of the original members of the Macintosh team. He describes the company culture, the challenges of developing the Macintosh, and his role as a “chief evangelist” for Apple. Kawasaki also shares lessons learned from his time at Apple, such as the importance of design and user experience and the power of storytelling in marketing.

Part Three covers Kawasaki’s experiences as an entrepreneur and venture capitalist. He shares stories about starting his own companies and insights into the world of venture capital and investing. Kawasaki also offers advice for aspiring entrepreneurs, such as the importance of perseverance, the value of a strong team, and the need to “eat your dog food” (i.e., use your product).

Part Four is a collection of “random thoughts” on various topics, including leadership, marketing, and life. Kawasaki offers his perspective on various issues, from the importance of authenticity in marketing to the benefits of meditation and mindfulness.

Throughout the book, Kawasaki emphasizes the importance of honesty, integrity, and humility in personal and professional life. He also offers practical advice on topics such as productivity, networking, and public speaking, based on his own experiences and observations.

Wise Guy: Lessons from a Life is a candid and insightful memoir that offers a unique perspective on the tech industry and the challenges of entrepreneurship. It is an inspiring read for anyone interested in personal and professional growth and a valuable resource for those seeking practical advice on succeeding in business and life.

What can we learn?

Throughout his career, Guy Kawasaki has accomplished a great deal. He has authored 15 books, including “The Art of the Start 2.0” and “Enchantment,” and is a sought-after keynote speaker and consultant. He has also been a venture capitalist and served as the chief evangelist for Apple. His influence can be seen in the design and marketing strategies of many successful tech companies, and he has been recognized as a thought leader and innovator in the industry.

One of the beliefs that has allowed Guy Kawasaki to grow in his career is his commitment to lifelong learning. He is always seeking out new information and ideas, and he encourages others to do the same. He has said that learning and adapting constantly is the best way to stay relevant and practical in your career.

Guy Kawasaki has been influenced by many people throughout his career, including Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, and Warren Buffett. He has also been affected by the Japanese concept of “kaizen,” which is the idea of continuous improvement. This philosophy has shaped his approach to work and productivity, and he believes that small, incremental changes can lead to significant improvements over time.

Imitating Guy Kawasaki’s habits can benefit corporate professionals who want to improve their productivity and effectiveness. By focusing on the most important tasks, delegating effectively, and setting specific goals, you can achieve more in less time and make a meaningful impact in your organization. Additionally, by adopting a growth mindset and committing to lifelong learning, you can stay relevant and adaptable in a constantly evolving work environment.

To improve your personal and professional life, I encourage you to take a page from Guy Kawasaki’s book and focus on the essential tasks, delegate effectively, and set specific goals for yourself. Additionally, commit to lifelong learning and regularly seek new information and ideas. Doing these things can improve your productivity, help you achieve your goals, and impact your organization.

Guy Kawasaki’s career is a testament to the power of focus, delegation, goal-setting, and lifelong learning. As a corporate professional, you can learn much from his productivity superpowers and secrets and apply them to achieve tremendous success. By adopting a growth mindset and committing to continuous improvement, you can stay relevant and effective in a rapidly changing work environment.

To learn more, go to:

Increase Productivity

Productivity Secrets of Oprah Winfrey


Oprah Winfrey is synonymous with success. Starting from a less-than-glamorous job as a weekend features reporter in Baltimore, she has developed a billion-dollar media empire known worldwide. While her positive personality is essential to her accomplishments, her intentional efforts to increase her productivity are critical to understanding her success.

Personal Practices

Over her career, Winfrey has realized that self-care is the key to personal productivity. Her daily routine begins with a nutritious breakfast formulated to give her energy for the work ahead. She also spends at least 20 minutes in silent meditation, clearing her mind in preparation for a focused day.

For long-term projects, she finds motivation in setting deadlines. Her early years in broadcasting required her to have her stories done on time if she wanted them on the air. She continues to use this technique, finding that even false deadlines can help her finish tasks.

Focus and Clarity of Purpose

A common theme in discussions of Winfrey’s success is the choices that she has made along the way. She had many opportunities to start companies, endorse products, and develop other entrepreneurial efforts. Business leaders are fascinated by both the projects Winfrey has chosen to undertake and the projects she has rejected.

For Winfrey, service to others has always been essential to her brand. Her talk show, magazines, and other media branches have all been designed to empower and uplift people. Because she understands her purpose as an entrepreneur and thought leader, she has been able to avoid obligations that would distract her from it. 

Another tactic for improved productivity has been to focus on what she believes is important rather than what others tell her is urgent. Giving preference to actions that move her toward her goals has helped her develop a clear brand in a crowded self-help market.

Balancing Passion and Humility

In Winfrey’s understanding, productivity grows out of passion and purpose. Being productive over the long term is challenging if you do not understand why you are working on a task. However, when you find your work fulfilling, it becomes easier to achieve your goals. Winfrey decided early on that dedication to her vision of helping others would define her efforts.

She also believes that part of her success comes from knowing her strengths and admitting her weaknesses. On her talk show, even as competitors were finding success in a tabloid style of programming, she stayed in her lane of empathy, inspiration, and self-empowerment. Because positivity is her natural strength, she was able to take her message and create a diverse media presence.

Help to Increase Productivity


Productivity Intelligence Institute has found its purpose in helping entrepreneurs increase productivity in their organizations. We study and use the latest insights of neuroscience and industry thought leaders to help our clients with this critical task. If you are a business leader looking for strategies for increasing productivity and efficiency in your workplace, feel free to reach out to us.

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Productivity Secrets of Arianna Huffington


Arianna Huffington’s Surprising Productivity Secrets

For a news outlet, maintaining consistent growth over the course of nearly two decades is a major accomplishment. Readers have more publications to choose from than ever before, yet HuffPost continues to be one of the most influential online news sources on the internet. Running a news website can be very stressful, and this massive success would not have been possible without Arianna Huffington’s sustainable approach to time management. If you want to maximize your organization’s output while avoiding burnout, then you need to take a look at this quick overview of Arianna Huffington’s three most important productivity-boosting habits.

Getting Enough Sleep

Your mind and body need plenty of rest to function properly. As you sleep, your endocrine system regulates its production of vital hormones such as cortisol, dopamine, and endorphins. Without enough sleep, you won’t have the hormonal balance necessary to concentrate on difficult tasks and handle the stresses of everyday life. To ensure that she can fall asleep quickly and stay asleep, Arianna Huffington keeps her phone and other distractions out of her bedroom.

Taking Breaks

You cannot maintain efficiency if you focus on a single task for too long. Although it may seem counterintuitive, you must take breaks to increase productivity. Arianna Huffington always makes sure to take her breaks away from her desk. Quick breaks reset your mind and allow you to put more effort into your work without becoming frustrated or making mistakes. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to taking breaks. Every workplace has its own set of demands and expectations, so you should experiment with different break schedules until you find a routine that suits your unique needs.

Maintaining a Low-Stress Workplace Culture

Many bosses expect their employees to respond to any communications immediately, avoid going on vacation, and work nonstop, but Arianna Huffington takes a different approach to manage her workers. She doesn’t expect anybody at HuffPost to answer emails outside of their working hours. She also encourages her employees to take all of their vacation time. Humans aren’t machines, and Arianna Huffington recognizes that she needs to give her employees opportunities to rest and treat them with dignity to increase productivity at HuffPost.

Avoiding Burnout Is Vital for Long-Term Success

Consistently pushing yourself to the limit is unsustainable. Sooner or later, you will run out of energy if you don’t know when to step away from your work. Arianna Huffington recognizes that good sleep, plenty of breaks, and a relaxed workplace are vital for HuffPost’s continued growth, so you need to adopt better sleep habits and look for ways to reduce stress in your company to increase productivity in the long run.

Increase Productivity

Productivity Secrets of Jack Ma


Growing up fairly poor during China’s Cultural Revolution in the 60s and 70s, Jack Ma likely did not think that he would eventually start one of the largest companies in the world. Considering the fact that he failed his first and second college entrance exams by a wide margin, few people in his life would have predicted such a grand future for him either. After finally passing the entrance exam and graduating with a degree in English, Jack Ma applied to dozens of companies but could only find work as an English teacher, and his business prospects appeared dim. 

Nonetheless, in 1999, Jack Ma launched Alibaba, an e-commerce giant that has grown to stand beside companies such as Amazon, eBay, Meituan, and Shopify. So, how did an English teacher with a humble upbringing and little early success come to dominate the business landscape? In short, Jack Ma firmly stuck to a handful of important values that helped him increase productivity. High productivity is integral to any entrepreneur’s success. Therefore, if you want your business to do as well as Alibaba, then you need to take a look at this quick overview of three of Jack Ma’s most useful productivity secrets.

Emphasis on Goals

Jack Ma asserts that an organization’s culture must center on goals over individuals. Building a cult of personality around a particular executive or manager likely will not increase productivity. Employees shouldn’t toil to please their manager or the CEO. Instead, everyone in the organization needs the autonomy and resources necessary to pursue clear organizational goals with little managerial interference. 


Women make up roughly 50% of the global population. However, in China and most other countries, men have always held the overwhelming majority of important leadership roles. Jack Ma recognized that a male-dominated culture only limited his organizations’ growth prospects, so he helped women ascend to key roles in Alibaba so that they could propel the brand forward with their useful skills, unique experience, and valuable insights. 

Considering Alibaba’s lightning-fast growth over the past two decades, Jack Ma must have been onto something. When a company’s demographics skew heavily towards one group, the organization misses out on talented individuals and useful points of view that drive productivity and innovation. Inclusive hiring practices aren’t only fair, but they’re also vital for any organization’s long-term success.

Willingness To Learn From Competitors

Many entrepreneurs enter the business world with the notion that they are somehow special. In turn, they perceive their competitors’ strategies as inherently inferior to their own, but this is a flawed way of thinking. Jack Ma always knew to emulate the strategies that worked for his competitors, and he never thought that he was too good to occasionally follow in someone else’s footsteps. A thought or idea isn’t any more meritorious just because it’s original, so if you want greater productivity, then you need to dissect your competitors’ successes and incorporate their best insights into your organization’s operational framework.

Boost Productivity With Jack Ma’s Values

Jack Ma lived through times of tumultuous change and worked tirelessly to eventually rise to monumental heights in the global e-commerce landscape. Despite his humble origins and early career struggles, Jack Ma persevered, and he has his humility, goal-centered mindset, and inclusive values to thank for his success. This man is one of the greatest examples of the ideal entrepreneur, and seeing the incredible prosperity of Alibaba, any entrepreneur who wants to increase productivity and reach greater heights would be wise to take inspiration from Jack Ma’s leadership style.

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Productivity Secrets of Elon Musk


The New Owner of Twitter 

Elon Musk recently bought Twitter for $44 billion, and while the buyout has stoked some controversy among the platform’s users, nobody can deny that this is an impressive accomplishment. If you’re like many onlookers, then you probably wonder how Elon Musk could have become so successful that he could afford such a massive purchase. Although Elon Musk comes from a relatively affluent family, he wouldn’t be a multi-billionaire if he didn’t understand the fundamentals of productivity. Like most entrepreneurs, you probably want to emulate Elon Musk’s success, so you need to check out this quick guide to unlock his five most effective secrets to increase productivity.

Address Important Work Early in the Day

A person’s energy gradually declines throughout the day. This is why Elon Musk takes care of the most challenging tasks as soon as he enters the workplace. If you start your day with the easiest tasks, then you simply won’t have the energy necessary to tackle the hardest work at the end of your shift.

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Have Fewer Meetings

When team members attend meetings, they cannot focus on other tasks. With that in mind, you should only schedule a meeting if you’re covering new ground or relaying time-sensitive information. Cutting down on workplace meetings will give your employees more time to fulfill their roles in the company. When employees have more time to complete their work, they can relax, which makes them happier and more productive in the long run.

Maintain Consistent Communication

Everyone in an organization should be aware of the latest strategies and developments that could affect their daily operations. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you should waste your employees’ time with more meetings. Instead, your company’s managers should be more proactive about making calls and sending concise emails to relevant parties as soon as they have something important to communicate.

Write Plainly

According to Elon Musk, fancy business jargon and made-up acronyms only serve to confuse employees and hinder effective workplace communication. When you send emails and post memos, you want everyone to understand what you’re trying to say. Thus, you should make it a workplace policy to write all written communications as plainly and directly as possible to avoid costly misunderstandings. 

Know When To Take a Break

It’s okay to step back, relax, and admit that your work is stressing you out. Burnout will severely impact your mental health and bring down the quality of your work, so it’s better to take a break and look for ways to make your job easier. If you or other members of your organization constantly feel overwhelmed, then you should take a close look at your processes, redistribute tasks, and consider hiring more employees to lighten the workload for everyone.

Unlock Greater Productivity Today

Seeing Elon Musk’s success in a wide array of industries, you cannot deny the effectiveness of his productivity secrets. Although you may not agree with everything Elon Musk does or says, his methods are still worth trying out. If you want to increase productivity in your organization, then you need to take a look at our other entrepreneur analyses and productivity hacks today.

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Productivity Secrets of Rishi Sunak


The U.K.’s Newest Prime Minister

Before he was appointed prime minister of the United Kingdom, Rishi Sunak was a member of Parliament and Chancellor of the Exchequer. Before entering politics, he was a successful entrepreneur and business owner. How has he managed to accomplish so much at his young age? Here are some ways to increase productivity you can learn from him.

1. Accept Accountability

Don’t try to duck accountability when you make a mistake–even a massive one. Embrace it so you can move on. When you take responsibility, you learn and grow. 

In a 2019 interview with the BBC, Sunak described losing money for clients as a financial analyst. “It was stressful,” he said.

But that was also what he liked about the work: “It’s very directly accountable. You’re responsible for your investments and either they are good, or they are bad, things work out, or they don’t. There’s nobody else to blame, and there’s nowhere to hide.”

Taking on more responsibility can seem a little frightening at first. What if you mess up? That kind of thinking will keep you stuck. When you accept the risk and take accountability for the outcome, you will increase productivity.


2. Get Hands-On Experience

When you’re trying to understand people’s concerns, it helps to have a shared background. That allows you to cut quickly to the core of what matters to that person or organization because you’ve lived it yourself. 

Sunak grew up with a father who was a doctor and a mother who owned a pharmacy. He helped his mother out in the store, which taught him how to think like an entrepreneur.

“My first job was working on a shop floor, I come from a small business family, and I have spent my entire professional life in business,” Sunak said. This experience helped him understand the concerns of voters in a largely rural area with small businesses and family farms.

3. Don’t Reinvent the Wheel

If you want to learn how something is done, you can save time by seeing how someone else has done it. You increase productivity by adopting good ideas.

When he was Chancellor of the Exchequer—like the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury—Sunak wanted to expand the U.K.’s apprenticeship programs. One of the first things he did was visit the U.K. headquarters of Microsoft, which has a thriving apprenticeship program. Sunak talked with Clare Barclay, head of Microsoft UK, to learn how Microsoft did it.

“I was delighted to see first-hand the positive impact that apprentices can have on companies large and small,” he told a newspaper. By learning from this successful example, he had a blueprint for his own plans. 

Rise to the Top with Our Help

At the Productivity Intelligence Institute, we work with leaders in government, politics, and business. If you’re ready to watch your productivity rise to new heights, contact us.

Double your reading speed with equal or greater comprehension!

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Productivity Secrets of Tyler Perry


When you think about business productivity, Tyler Perry’s filmography probably isn’t the first thing to come to mind. However, in contrast with most movie producers, all of Tyler Perry’s films have been extremely profitable, so it’s worth examining the factors contributing to his consistent success. Although Tyler Perry is primarily a filmmaker, his productivity secrets can help professionals in any industry thrive. With that in mind, you need to check out these three important aspects of Tyler Perry’s creative process if you want your company to increase productivity and stay ahead of the competition.

Identifying Gaps in the Market

Before Tyler Perry started producing films, he observed that many of the films made to appeal to Black audiences were extremely violent and unsuitable for young viewers. Aware of the lack of good family films for the Black community, Tyler Perry wisely set to change the status quo. Now, Tyler Perry’s name is closely associated with Black American cinema, and his films continue to perform exceptionally well at the box office.

Tyler Perry was able to serve his community and propel himself to great heights simply by noticing an underserved market and doing something to fix the problem. Even if you’re in a very niche industry, there are likely many customers in your target market with unmet needs. If you’re not providing desired services to this segment of your market, then someone else eventually will. To sustain success in your field, you must pay close attention to your customers’ preferences, search for weaknesses in your organization’s ability to help its clientele, and adjust your business model accordingly.

Simplicity in Production

The plots of Tyler Perry’s films explore unpretentious themes such as unrequited love, economic hardship, and family tension. The storylines are simple enough for anyone in the family to follow, and the films don’t typically employ fancy camera work or crazy visual effects. This is because Tyler Perry takes a straightforward approach to filmmaking, and his main objective is to create stories that his audience can relate to. 

The acclaimed producer recognizes that he doesn’t have to pioneer new camera techniques or make convoluted stories to be a good filmmaker. Instead, he follows a simple process and focuses solely on fulfilling the needs of his community. Considering the fact that almost every one of Tyler Perry’s 52 films has turned a hefty profit, it’s clear that you don’t need to reinvent the wheel to succeed. Above anything else, entrepreneurs must adopt effective processes and set clear goals to achieve consistent profitability.

A Sense of Purpose

Tyler Perry has stated that his main objective is to spread positivity. It doesn’t get much simpler than that. Because Tyler Perry’s purpose is so clear, the actors, directors, sound engineers, and other members of his production staff know precisely what they’re trying to accomplish. Consequently, he makes a reliable product, so viewers always know that they’ll enjoy themselves when they buy a ticket to one of his films.

Does your company’s mission statement relate to your customers’ needs? Do your employees have an easy time operating in line with your organization’s objectives? A concise purpose is vital for any company’s success, so you need to ensure that your organization’s mission statement isn’t too convoluted for your audience or employees to understand.

Increase Productivity With a Straightforward Approach

Smart entrepreneurs pay attention to what exceptional businesspeople across all industries do to set themselves apart. As a filmmaker and a businessman, Tyler Perry has shown an impressive ability to understand his audience’s needs and deliver products that consistently satisfy them. By following his example, you can cultivate a loyal base of customers and operate more efficiently than ever before.

Increase Productivity

Productivity Secrets of Satya Nadella


Five Secrets to Increase Productivity from Satya Nadella

Since becoming the third CEO of Microsoft in 2014, Satya Nadella has made some critical changes to increase productivity throughout the organization. Unlike tech entrepreneurs that advocate slogans like, “Move fast and break things,” Nadella takes a slower, more deliberate approach. He believes meaningful productivity emerges from a culture that fosters creativity, curiosity and passion.

1. Curiosity and the Desire to Learn

Nadella embraces a growth mindset that always leaves room for new ideas. He is a voracious reader who is curious about the world. As an entrepreneur, you need to be an expert in your field, but you also want to find connections in other disciplines. Expanding your knowledge helps you discover unmet needs that will lead to your next product or service.

2. Focus on the Critical Issues

As a CEO, Nadella delegates many day-to-day decisions. This practice allows him to focus on the most critical questions. His attitude toward decision-making is deliberate and patient. He takes a deep dive into a few issues to promote well-informed choices.

3. Develop Passion

Nadella’s advice for any employee is to find a way to fall in love with what you do. Passion breeds productivity and a desire to improve. In the workplace, passion is also contagious. When your employees see leaders who are excited about projects, they will also get excited about moving things forward.

4. Create Infectious Energy

Similar to passion, energy can also infect a business culture. Nadella frequently talks about developing an energy quotient that is often more important than an employee’s IQ. Energy in the workplace tends to snowball with the successful completion of each task and project. High-energy businesses are growing organizations that exude creativity and a positive atmosphere.

5. Increase Productivity by Inspiring Others

Many entrepreneurs have reached their current level of success by self-motivated hard work. At a certain point, Nadella believes leaders need to cede some control and make space for other employees to shine. As a CEO, you do your job well when you inspire the leaders beneath you to succeed. Your original vision may have been enough to start your business, but continued growth will require the leadership, initiative, and gifts of employees you trust.

A Partner for Productive Entrepreneurs

Productivity Intelligence Institute is dedicated to helping business leaders achieve the best possible performance from themselves and their organizations. We specialize in helping entrepreneurs develop productivity strategies that work with their culture and promote forward growth. If you are ready to take your business to the next level of success, we would be thrilled to work with you. Contact us today.