Creating High-Performing Teams

Creating High-Performance Innovation Teams At Scale


The modern world is changing at a super-fast rate. Sectors like technology, communications, finance, engineering and entertainment are all seeing shifts on a massive scale. These days, creativity is transforming into the currency of success. This includes creatively putting together teams. Here are a few tips on how to create high-performance innovation teams at scale. 

Creating, Assembling and Scaling Teams 

A major component of creating high performing teams is innovation at scale. Leaders must foster the ability to create new value schemes and establish incremental value that will help their organization. 

You’ll need to create value repeatedly to create it at a scale that’s significant enough to provide support for your organization. 

Consider who you’ll be adding to your organization’s teams, what kind of teams you’ll need to assemble and how to scale them. 

About Developing the Culture of High Performing Teams that Innovate 

To develop high performing teams that innovate, take steps to support a positive culture. Focus on areas like: 

• Dependability 
• Dedication 
• Learning 
• Engagement 



In business, dependability is often overlooked. Companies that don’t have a strong performance management emphasis find it challenging to create consistently at scale.

Dependability means delivering quality work by the deadline, earmarking pledged resources and supporting your workforce when needed. Trust is an essential element. When it isn’t present, employees lack a shared desire to complete each project’s commitments. 


Dedication is another challenge. Innovation teams often struggle to keep team members. This can happen when you’re first developing a team since people may not want to leave their existing role. 


Learning is vital to achieving innovation success. New products and services depend on market feedback to produce improvements. Be sure to challenge and support your innovation teams to perfect their operating practices and bring them together effectively. 

Create a safe environment that allows your team members to challenge and support each other. This is a vital part of learning. 


It’s easy to take engagement as a given, but it’s important for managers to focus on its importance. Make sure that your teams have what they need to engage their clients and your full organization. Innovative teams communicate proactively, and they form a narrative around each project. 

Forming an Innovative Culture 

Your workforce is your most important asset, and they communicate with your second most important assets, which are your clients and partners. Your teams are already on the payroll, so use them effectively. With innovative teams, your company will discover new inspirations, create fresh solutions and increase your profits. 

The best way to do this is to make your team feel empowered. Forming an innovative culture is easier than it might seem. To bring in an innovative culture, welcome change. This will ripple down through your innovative teams. It might take time but be patient. 

Creating High Performing Teams 

Creating high performing teams requires you to support your workforce and establish a safe environment where your people can learn. If you need guidance, contact me at the Productivity Intelligence Institute.